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AUXOMA: The Best Exercise Routine You Can Do For Yourself: CARs You Can Do For Yourself: CARs

August 30, 20241 min read

AUXOMA: The Best Exercise Routine You Can Do For Yourself: CARs

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When it comes to exercise, simplicity, effectiveness, and adaptability are key. One routine that embodies all these attributes is CARs (Controlled Articular Rotations). Here's why CARs should be a staple in your fitness regimen.

Why CARs?

- Simple: CARs rely on body weight and can be performed anywhere. No special equipment or gym membership is required, making it a versatile option for anyone, regardless of their fitness level or location.


- Reproducible: The beauty of CARs lies in their consistency. You can perform these movements repeatedly and observe predictable improvements. Over time, both the quantity and quality of your movements will enhance, providing a clear indicator of progress.

- Progressible: CARs allow you to challenge your joints from various angles, both with and against gravity. This means you can continuously push your limits and improve. For instance, you can work on shoulder movements by exploring different angles, including internal and external rotation.

- Transferable: By learning to apply force through different ranges of motion and angles, CARs make you more adaptable in everyday life. A personal example: I no longer roll my ankles, thanks to the adaptability gained from practicing CARs.

Incorporating CARs into your routine can make a significant difference in your overall mobility and strength. To get started, access our CARs class and begin experiencing these benefits firsthand.

By focusing on simplicity, reproducibility, progressibility, and transferability, CARs provide a comprehensive and effective exercise routine that can be tailored to your specific needs and goals. Embrace this method and watch your mobility and strength soar.

Schedule Your Free Consultation By visiting: https://auxoma.com/

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