Relevance To Chiropractic

Constant Tension

June 13, 20242 min read


Every day, I meet people who complain of 'tight' muscles. But what does this 'tightness' really indicate about their health?

As a rehab-based chiropractor, I dig deeper to find the root causes of this tension—causes that often extend far beyond the obvious tight spots.

Did you know that everything from our biomechanics to our mood plays a crucial role in the 'tightness' we experience?

Understanding the Interplay of Body Systems:

These feelings of tightness aren't isolated to the muscles; they reflect a complex interplay among several body systems:

  • Biomechanics

  • Respiration

  • Heart rate

  • Blood pressure

  • Mood and affect

Improving one of these can positively affect the others, and vice versa. This interconnectedness is why I view tightness and tension as merely the starting point, a trigger signaling that we need to explore a person's actual needs more deeply.

Why Exercise is Powerful Medicine:

Consider exercise not just as a routine but as potent medicine. It directly impacts our biomechanics, enhances respiratory efficiency, stabilizes heart rate, regulates blood pressure, and uplifts our mood. Imagine packing all those benefits into a pill!

The Doom Loop of Pain and Stress:

Many of my patients initially seek treatment for surface symptoms like pain or tightness. However, these symptoms often mask deeper issues—issues that disrupt daily activities, dampen mood, and trigger a stress response leading to changes in: mood, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and biomechanics.

I call this the "doom loop," where one symptom escalates into a series of reactions, creating a cycle that can be hard to break.

Breaking the Cycle:

Addressing pain is crucial, but understanding and treating the underlying cause is essential to prevent recurrence and avoid falling back into the doom loop.

Small triggers can initiate a new bout or cascade of pain, with each episode becoming increasingly intense and more frequent.

By treating patients holistically and reconnecting them to activities they love, we provide genuine healthcare, not just temporary fixes.

Redefining Healthcare:

It’s disheartening to see temporary solutions like pills merely postponing the necessary healing. True recovery involves addressing the underlying issues, not just the symptoms. This is the ethos behind my practice and the care we strive to provide at Auxoma.


If you're grappling with constant pain and tightness despite trying various treatments, it might be time to dig deeper. Don't settle for temporary relief. Visit us at and our team will reach out to you directly. At Auxoma, we treat not just the pain but the root causes of your symptoms—ensuring you can return to your best self.

Let's not just manage your symptoms—let's end them.

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Dr. Justus Kauffman

Wichita-native Justus Kauffman is no stranger to dealing with harassing injuries and persistent pain. In fact, it’s what motivates him every day. Having fought chronic knee pain in his youth and early college basketball career, he found the harder he trained, the more the injuries mounted. Justus pursued a degree in exercise science with the goal of obtaining as much knowledge as he could in physical therapy. Then he got a job at a PT clinic where he was introduced to chiropractic. He found himself drawn to this alternative way of dealing with pain that was noninvasive and tailored. After implementing what he learned in chiropractic school into his own training, Justus’s knee pain resolved, and now he feels stronger, healthier, and more athletic than ever. Today, he leads Auxoma, a blend of his two loves (exercise and chiropractic).

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